Fishergate gyratory - pavement cycle path needed
Travelling around the Fishergate Gyratory is intimidating and dangerous, particularly when travelling in the northward direction. A pavement cycle path would be appreciated.
limited to the area of York Cycle Campaign:
2 issues found for 'dangerous-dual-carriage-way':
Kate Ravilious // 1 thread
Travelling around the Fishergate Gyratory is intimidating and dangerous, particularly when travelling in the northward direction. A pavement cycle path would be appreciated.
Kate Ravilious // 2 threads
The Fishergate Gyratory is a complete nightmare for all cyclists and very dangerous. Crossing the lanes of the busy dual carriage-way is dangerous and drivers show little awareness or patience with cyclists. The entire junction needs rethinking.
6 threads found for 'dangerous-dual-carriage-way':
York Cycle Campaign
A discussion on issue
Fishergate gyratory - pavement cycle path needed
Kate Ravilious
York Cycle Campaign
A discussion on issue
Fishergate Gyratory nightmare!
Andy D
York Cycle Campaign
A discussion on issue
Fishergate Gyratory nightmare!
Kate Ravilious
Chester Cycling Campaign
A discussion on issue
A5117 Cheshire Oaks to Stanlow, Thornton and Ince / Elton
ken thomas
A discussion on issue
A5117 Cheshire Oaks to Stanlow, Thornton and Ince / Elton
A discussion on issue
A5117 Cheshire Oaks to Stanlow, Thornton and Ince / Elton
Chris Neston
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